Tarams Empowers a Leading Startup with Innovative Product Visualization App for Trustworthy Online Recommendations

Revolutionizing Online Recommendations

Tarams Collaborates with a Leading Startup to Launch Trust-Driven Product Visualization App

About Our Client

A leading startup based in San Francisco recognized the need for a more convenient and reliable method of obtaining word-of-mouth recommendations for products online.

The Opportunity

The current landscape heavily relies on scouring various review websites or advertising channels for product recommendations. The startup identified an opportunity to address this challenge by developing an innovative solution that visualizes what users and their friends have purchased online, fostering trust in product recommendations.

The Solution

Tarams collaborated with the startup to develop an application that revolutionizes online product discovery. The app enables users to see what products their friends have purchased without relying on traditional rating systems or comments. Key components of the solution include:

Product Visualization App

The app utilizes AI-based image processing to visually showcase products that users and their friends have purchased online, providing a more intuitive and trustworthy recommendation experience.

Integration with Multiple Platforms

Seamless integration with platforms such as Gmail, Amazon, Netflix, and others allows the app to gather purchase data and provide personalized recommendations to users.

Advanced Technologies

Implementation of Google OAuth Certification for Restricted Scopes ensures data security and compliance. Additionally, machine learning algorithms are utilized for product categorization, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of recommendations.

The Results

The launch of the app has yielded significant results:

Users benefit from a more convenient and trustworthy method of discovering products online, leading to increased user engagement and satisfaction.

The integration with multiple platforms enables the app to gather comprehensive purchase data, providing users with highly personalized recommendations tailored to their preferences.

Advanced technologies such as AI-based image processing and machine learning enhance the accuracy and relevance of product recommendations, further improving user experience.


Tarams’ collaboration with the startup resulted in the successful launch of a groundbreaking product visualization app, transforming online recommendations and fostering trust among users. By leveraging innovative technologies and seamless integrations, the app empowers users to discover products online with confidence, revolutionizing the way people shop and engage with online content.

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Tarams Revolutionizes Home Improvement Retail with Innovative Mobile App for Contractors

Transforming Contractor Operations

Tarams Partners with Bay Area Startup to Launch Mobile App for Seamless Product Ordering and Delivery from Home Depot

About Our Client

A Bay Area startup aimed to revolutionize the home improvement retail market by providing contractors with a seamless mobile application for viewing, ordering, and receiving product deliveries from Home Depot. Additionally, the app needed to facilitate task management for shoppers and drivers while enabling administrative functions for Algo staff via a web interface.

The Challenge

The startup faced the challenge of developing a comprehensive mobile application that would cater to the diverse needs of contractors, shoppers, drivers, and administrative staff. Key requirements included seamless product catalog integration with Home Depot, efficient e-commerce functionalities, real-time order tracking, and task management features.

The Solution

Tarams delivered an end-to-end solution in a turn-key delivery mode, ensuring aggressive time-to-market and efficient execution of product management, UI development, app development, backend development, and user acceptance testing (UAT). The solution encompassed:

Product Catalog Integration

Dynamically constructed local Home Depot store product catalog within the mobile app, enabling contractors to browse and order products seamlessly.

Ecommerce Functionality

Complete ecommerce flow, including browsing, shopping cart, pricing engine, promotions, discounts, and checkout, providing a seamless purchasing experience for contractors.

Order Tracking and Notifications

Live tracking of orders and in-app notifications to keep contractors informed about the status of their orders in real-time.

Real-Time Price and Stock Check

Integration with Home Depot’s systems to provide real-time price and stock checks, ensuring accurate product availability and pricing information.

The Results

The implementation of the mobile app solution led to significant improvements in contractor operations:

Contractors can now efficiently view, order, and receive product deliveries from Home Depot, streamlining the procurement process and saving valuable time.

The seamless e-commerce functionality provides contractors with a user-friendly platform for purchasing products, enhancing overall satisfaction and convenience.

Real-time order tracking and notifications enable contractors to stay informed about the status of their orders, improving transparency and communication.


Tarams’ collaboration with the Bay Area startup resulted in the successful launch of a groundbreaking mobile app solution, disrupting the home improvement retail market. By providing contractors with a comprehensive platform for product ordering and delivery from Home Depot, the app has transformed contractor operations, enhancing efficiency, convenience, and overall customer experience.

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Tarams Redefines Travel Experiences with an Innovative Mobile App for Customizable Trips

Elevating Travel Experiences

Tarams Partners with a Travel Startup to Launch Customizable Mobile App for Seamless Trip Planning, Coordination, and Sharing

About Our Client

A travel startup dedicated to crafting customizable travel experiences for individuals and groups faced the challenge of developing a comprehensive mobile application to support every aspect of the travel journey.

The Challenge

The challenge was to design a mobile application that would empower users to create unique and personalized travel experiences from start to finish. The application was needed to support pre-travel trip planning, documentation, coordination, payments, and post-travel experience sharing seamlessly.

The Solution

Tarams collaborated with the travel startup to deliver an end-to-end solution, leveraging our expertise to bring the product to market. We built a mobile application that incorporated features for all stages of the travel journey:


Users can discover, customize, and schedule trips based on individual or group preferences, ensuring a personalized travel experience.


The application facilitates seamless communication and coordination during the trip, with features such as in-app chat, alerts, and multi-currency conversion. Users can stay connected with fellow travelers and tour guides, access trip details, and manage logistics effortlessly.


After the journey, users can relive and share their experiences through the app. They can create albums from their trip memories, fostering engagement and community among travelers.

The Results

The launch of the mobile app transformed travel experiences for users:

The customizable features empower users to tailor their travel experiences to their preferences, enhancing satisfaction and engagement.

In-app communication and customer service features ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience, fostering trust and loyalty among users.

Users can now seamlessly plan, coordinate, and share their trips through a single, comprehensive platform.


Tarams’ collaboration with the travel startup successfully launched a cutting-edge mobile application, redefining travel experiences for individuals and groups. By providing a comprehensive solution for trip planning, coordination, and sharing, the app empowers users to embark on unforgettable journeys tailored to their preferences, fostering a community of passionate travelers.

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Tarams Launches Dynamic Sports Engagement Platform, Empowering Fans Worldwide

Elevating Fan Interaction

Tarams Unveils Innovative Sports Engagement Platform with Interactive Shows, Athlete Engagement, Battles, and Rewards

About Our Client

A leading sports app is a dynamic social platform and marketplace designed to connect and empower sports fans worldwide. With a focus on giving fans a voice and incentivizing their engagement, the app sought to overcome challenges in fan interaction and content creation.

The Challenge

Engaging sports enthusiasts beyond traditional chat and discussion forums posed a significant challenge for the app. There was a need to provide fans with direct avenues to create content, interact with others, influence discussions, and express themselves more effectively.

The Solution

Tarams collaborated with the leading sports app to develop a groundbreaking mobile app that revolutionized fan engagement. The app empowers fans to control the conversation through interactive features such as:

Interactive Sports Shows and Conversations

Fans can participate in live sports shows and engage in real-time conversations with other fans, athletes, and influencers, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

Direct Engagement with Athletes and Influencers

The app enables fans to interact directly with professional athletes and influencers, providing a unique opportunity for meaningful connections and interactions.

Battle Feature

Users can engage in friendly battles with other athletes, influencers, and sports enthusiasts, adding an element of competition and excitement to the platform.

Rewards System

Fans earn rewards and increase their all-time score by participating in discussions, battles, and other interactive features, incentivizing ongoing engagement and loyalty.

The Results

Through the launch of the sports app:

The app successfully transformed fan engagement, providing fans with direct avenues to create content, interact with others, and influence discussions.

The interactive features of the app fostered a vibrant community of sports enthusiasts, athletes, and influencers, driving increased user participation and retention.

The rewards system incentivized ongoing engagement and loyalty, encouraging users to return to the platform regularly.


Tarams’ collaboration with the leading sports app resulted in the successful launch of the app, redefining fan engagement in the sports industry. By leveraging interactive features, direct engagement with athletes and influencers, and a rewards system, the app empowers fans to connect, create, and compete, driving a new era of fan interaction and loyalty.

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Tarams Revamps Data Infrastructure for Global Ethics Advisory Firm, Streamlining Reporting and Insights

Elevating Data Management for Global Ethics Advisory Firm

Tarams Overhauls Data Warehouse, Enhancing Performance, Integrity, and Reporting Capabilities

About Our Client

An esteemed organization specializing in advising and educating companies worldwide on ethics, regulatory compliance, corporate culture, governance, and leadership sought to address challenges posed by an aging data warehouse.

The Challenge

The client’s aging data warehouse presented significant obstacles to their rapid business growth. Performance issues, data staleness, integrity concerns, and reliance on outdated technologies hindered efficient reporting and insights generation. Engineers and operations teams spent excessive time managing the legacy system, impacting productivity and responsiveness.

The Solution

Tarams collaborated with the client to redesign and rebuild their data infrastructure, focusing on enhancing performance, integrity, and reporting capabilities. The solution included:

Comprehensive Data Warehouse Design

Tarams implemented a new data warehouse based on Star Schema Data Modeling, addressing performance and integrity issues. A Staging Database was introduced to store incremental data, improving data freshness and provenance.

ETL Migration and Automation

The ETL code was migrated from stored procedures to Pentaho Data Integration, ensuring near real-time data availability in the Data Mart. Automation of the ETL process enhanced restart-ability, reducing turnaround time for ETL failures.

Dashboard Implementation

Tarams developed a comprehensive dashboard to provide visibility and insights across all levels of the organization. The dashboard enabled leaders, managers, HR representatives, ethics officers, and program sponsors to access meaningful reporting and performance metrics.

The Results

Through Tarams’ solution implementation:

The client achieved enhanced performance, data integrity, and reporting capabilities.

Automation of the ETL process reduced manual intervention and turnaround time for reporting.

The comprehensive dashboard provided leaders and stakeholders with actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Employee transparency and accountability were improved through visibility into completion results and performance metrics.


Tarams’ collaboration with the ethics advisory firm resulted in the successful transformation of their data infrastructure, addressing performance, integrity, and reporting challenges. By leveraging modern technologies and best practices, Tarams empowered the client to drive transparency, accountability, and efficiency in their operations and decision-making processes.

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